Monday, February 2, 2015

Colours ...

One of the most precious gifts I had ever got in my childhood was a 'water colour paint' box.
I was never a good at drawing, but I simply loved mixing colours in water.
I would take a glass of clear water and gently dip a paint brush into it.
I loved to watch the cloud formation with which colours slowly mix with the clear liquid. I am sure everyone would have tried this in one way or the other.
To me at that age, that was a much easier form of art than actually painting something on paper using the same brush.

I would go on and experiment with multiple colours to achieve more structures and combinations.
As would be in any learning curve, it took some time before I was an expert in this activity by discreetly identifying the good and the bad combinations.
This 'mixing game' as we may call it, was not always a success because some combinations would be nothing but a crash land!! Even those 'successful colours' would be an eye sore, if not at the right amount.
I used to play like this for hours and at every  'Game Over' point, I would simply empty the glass and fill it with clear water and Start all over again.

As I realized down the lane, our life is like the glass of water and the people or characters we invite into it are colours from a dripping paint brush. You got to make the right decision of colours ,and that too in the right amount to win this game.
Please make sure you choose the 'right colours' on the way forward, and remember , we are all provided with just one glass of water and no second chances with it !!

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